Student Research Poster Competition

The poster competition provides both graduate and undergraduate students the opportunity to publish and share their research findings at the conference and via the UAA website. All accepted entries will be posted in a public area of the UAA website for public viewing by members and the general public. First, second, and third place winners in each category receive cash prizes of $1,000, $500, and $250, respectively. All participants will receive certificates of accomplishment.

Winners are announced at the annual UAA Collegiate Aviation Education Conference and cash awards will be given in both the undergraduate and graduate categories. 

Abstracts are less than 250 words and must include the following information with the submission
 • The precise title of the poster.
 • Topic area (i.e. Human Factors).
 • The author’s full name, university affiliation, and entrance category. (graduate or undergraduate)
 • Students & faculty authors may be listed as combined authors and maybe jointly published and displayed at the conference, however, ONLY students are eligible to receive prize money.
 • Maximum of 3 authors. Posters submitted with more than three authors may be published and displayed at the conference, however, authors will NOT be eligible for prize money.