If RENEWING your membership, please use the Member Log-In page.
Institutional | $650 per year
Industry | $775 per year
Aviation or STEM High School | FREE
Academic Professional | $140 per year
Retired | $50 per year
Student | $30 per year
Thank you for your interest in joining UAA. By completing registration you are agreeing to abide by the Bylaws of the Association. View UAA Bylaws.
Accredited institution listed in the most current edition of the Higher Education Directory, with an existing or planned aviation program or course offerings. The institution will appoint one person to act as its representative to UAA. The Representative may choose an additional person from the institution (administrative assistant, etc.) to act as Group Administrator. The Group Administrator will enjoy the full benefits of membership at no additional cost to the institution. (Includes 2 members)
Organization or enterprise which is committed to supporting and advancing the mission and goals of UAA. The organization will appoint one person to act as its representative to UAA. The Representative may choose an additional person from the company (administrative assistant, etc.) to act as Group Administrator. The Group Administrator will enjoy the full benefits of membership at no additional cost to the company. (Includes 2 members)
Aviation or STEM High School
Accredited, a secondary school with an existing or planned aviation program or course offerings. The institution will appoint one person to act as its representative to UAA.
Academic Professional
Membership is open to any individual employed by a college, university as faculty, administrators, or staff engaged in or interested in the furtherance of any form of aviation education.
Membership is available to academic professionals who are age 55 or older, who have fully retired from the profession of collegiate aviation.
Individual, non-voting membership, open to high school or university students (excluding aviation faculty pursuing an advanced degree) with an interest in aviation.