Independent Program Review Overview
Reviews are a voluntary process whose major purpose is to ensure quality in a collegiate aviation program. The aim of a program review and on-site visit is to assess how well an institute implements its own mission, adheres to its internal and external guidelines, and how it will comply with its program requirements. The on-site visit plan is cooperative. All programs are expected to meet or exceed all standards of collegiate institutional accreditation. The integrity of an institution and the program is fundamental and critical to the quality training process. Programs must continually evaluate themselves in relation to their institution’s mission and their own program mission, goals, and educational objectives. Collegiate aviation is part of a slowly evolving, continuous process. In the long view, there are continuing conversations among training programs, students, faculty professionals, institutions, and end-consumers (employers).
Services Provided by UAA
The UAA program review will include an in-depth evaluation and report on all areas that contribute to or are a factor in a viable aviation program. The review will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following areas:
- Administration - institutional support and organizational effectiveness;
- Financial Resources - internal and external as relates to the aviation program;
- Learning Resources - library facilities, media, and computer support;
- Faculty - qualifications, recruitment and selection, duties and responsibilities, rank, promotion and tenure, salaries and working conditions, faculty evaluation and development;
- Support Personnel - number and quality of support staff;
- Student Services - student development, advising, counseling, and career development;
- Facilities - Equipment and Services - classroom and laboratory facilities, office space,
- Instructional Support - Testing, evaluation, and certification of students;
- Student Body - interviews and input from students on all matters related to aviation program; Admissions, Transfer and Life Experience Credit;
- Curricula - aviation core and options, non-traditional programs, experimental and innovative programs; Cooperative Education and Internship Programs; and Relations with Industry - industry advisory committees, program assessment, and graduate placement.
Typically, two reviewers are assigned to conduct a program review. However, at the institution’s option, additional reviewers including a representative of the aviation industry may be included on the review team. The reviewers are selected on the basis of their academic credentials and/or industry experience that relates to the aviation program and its options. Reviewers are not assigned who would present a possible conflict of interest with the institution and its programs. The institution is given the option of concurring with all reviewers selected.
Time Requirements
The typical visit involves two days on site for interviewing administrators, faculty, students and industry representatives and gathering data not available in the material furnished in advance. An additional day should be allowed for follow-up and preparation of the report.
The end product of the review will be a comprehensive report that is prepared by the reviewers and edited by the UAA Central Office for consistency. The report will follow the outline of the review items as set forth in services provided plus any additional visit elements that have been added by the institution. Reports are completed within 30 days of the visit.
Cost of Review
The cost of the review will be based on the services requested by the institution. Typical reviews cost $3,500 for two reviewers (two days on site; one day off-site) and administrative support. The cost for each additional reviewer is $1,500. Additional costs that will be billed to the institution include direct costs of travel, communication, postage, copying, etc.
Billing Procedure
The UAA will bill the institution for the cost of the program review at the time the final report is delivered. Full payment is required within 30 days.
Initiating A Review by UAA
To initiate a review, the institutional representative should complete the UAA Program Review Request Form or send a letter to UAA indicating the purpose of the review, the areas to be included, and time frame. UAA will respond with a confirmation of cost estimate, proposed times and available team members.
The UAA Program Review Team Composition
The Program Review Team generally consists of two or three qualified on-site visitors, for a single program. Qualified UAA staff may be included in a Program Review Team. The number of Program Reviewers may vary depending on the program size, complexity, and special needs. Every effort is made to ensure that Program Reviewers have the appropriate background, knowledge, and experience with regard to the type of program being reviewed. Program Review Teams make every effort to be sensitive to issues of ethnicity, gender, and diversity concerns. Program Reviewers who cannot assure UAA of their objectivity due to a potential conflict of interest will not be selected. The Program Review Team will gather information through dialogue, observation and the review of documents.
The Program Review Team will need access to the following materials:
• Program syllabus
• Faculty/Supervisor CVs/resumes
• Program manuals, handbooks, flight logs
• Sample student and graduate records (academic and flight) for the period of two years
• Documentation of complaint policy and records of student complaints
Program Review On-site Visit
The purpose of a Program Review On-site Visit is to determine the accuracy and completeness of the documents and gain an understanding of those aspects which cannot be fairly and adequately evaluated from documentation alone.
If an on-site review has been requested, please select three Monday/Tuesday/Wed* time slots that would be acceptable to your program for an on-site visit. Please consider holidays in your date selection process. The Program Review Team will arrive on Sunday afternoon and will spend all day Monday and Tuesday at your program. The overriding concern in choosing dates is that faculty, graduates, and students be available to meet with the Program Review Team.
Important Notes
Facilities include, but are not limited to, review of the library, classrooms, student area, computer labs, simulators, equipment, etc.
Faculty is defined as any individual or group of individuals who teach a course or practicum in the reviewed program.
The institutional administrative representative is defined as President, Provost, Dean and any administrator with oversight of the reviewed program. The Program Review Team needs to meet with at least one administrative representative but may meet with more at the program’s discretion.
Programs are required to provide the Program Review Team with a meeting room to review all supplemental materials, including, but not limited to, syllabus, current student and graduate files and records, faculty and supervisor vita’s, etc. The resource room should have a table sufficient in size to accommodate the Program Review Team, a printer, wireless Internet access, sufficient power outlets for personal laptops, as well as means for privacy.
Contact us at (901) 563-0505 or address your questions to
Independent Program Review Overview Brochure form
Independent Program Review Overview Brochure