About UAA

To promote and foster excellence in collegiate aviation education by providing a forum for students, faculty, staff, and practitioners to share ideas, to enhance the quality of education, and to develop stronger programs and curricula. To influence aviation education policy at all governmental levels. To provide and nurture the linkage between college aviation education, the aviation industry, and government agencies.

A professional association and unifying voice for promoting and furthering aviation education as a collegiate academic discipline.

 · To be an open forum for all collegiate aviation education
 · To create and influence national policies related to aviation education 
 · To promote awareness of collegiate aviation through interaction with the aviation industry and government
 · To assist students, faculty, and institutions in defining and achieving their aviation education aspirations
 · To assist in the professional development of individual members
 · To assist institutions in meeting the needs of the aviation industry and government
 · To be a resource for accurate aviation education information
 · To encourage individuals to choose aviation-related careers

University Aviation Association
5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite 1503
Memphis, TN 38157
(901) 563-0505 | hello@uaa.aero

Hours of Operation 
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm (CT)